Ezra playing the hormonica at the Kemper's house
He finally figured it out...(oh, no for us).
Adrielle Fast Asleep...
Elijah trying so hard to stay awake to see the ball drop...
Designed to keep you updated on our family...
Elijah trying so hard to stay awake to see the ball drop...
Here is the promised video clip...
Her party was actually on Dec. 18 2008...Sorry It took so long to get this on here. I had trouble downloading it for some reason.
The kids were so excited when they woke up this morning. They have been counting down the days on their nativity advent calendar. They finally got to put up baby Jesus tonight. They also were so excited about Santa coming. We made cookies for him and gave him egg nog and custard. They also fed the reindeer. Here is the letter they wrote for him...
Dear Santa,
We hope you like the egg nog, cookies, and custard. We love you Santa. We have our Santa jammies on for you. We hope you give us good toys. We will be thankful for the presents and for you Santa. Please be careful tonight. Adrie wishes you a very Merry Christmas. Elijah says don't eat to much tonight. Make sure your reindeer eat as much food as they can. We put food on the lawn for them. Have a great night and we love you. We are so thankful for you giving all the children toys.
Love, Elijah, Adrielle, and Ezra
It was so cute writing this for them. They had so many ideas to write, and it took us a long time to get it just right. They went to bed so easily tonight. They knew they had to be asleep before Santa would come. We can't wait to see their faces tomorrow morning! Thanks so much Stafford family for the pj's! They looked so cute on the kids! They couldn't wait to wear them.
Christmas jammies...
Getting ready to feed the reindeer...
Feeding the reindeer...
Putting cookies, custard and egg nog out for Santa...
Adrielle made a gingerbread house at school today (Tues. Dec. 2) and was sooo excited about it. She had so much fun! She asked me to take a picture of it before she ate it all and it didn't look pretty anymore. This is a short video of her talking about it.
Yesterday it started snowing and it actually stuck to the ground! We went outside and played in it today. Mommy dreaded getting us ready...she knew we would complain about all the bundling up, but daddy finally convinced her into helping us get ready. (Notice Adrie is still able to wear the snowsuit Grandma Kay made for mommy when mommy was a little girl...so cute!) We actually stayed outside much longer that mommy thought we would. We had a blast making "snow castles". Ezra napped while we were outside...maybe the next snow he can join in on the fun.