Thursday, February 19, 2009

2 Wiggly Teeth!

Elijah with all his teeth (but 2 are wiggly)....

Today Elijah noticed his bottom 2 teeth were wiggling! He was so excited! Most of his close friends have lost some teeth, and Elijah couldn't wait for his own teeth to start getting loose. We talked about the tooth fairy and I showed him the tooth pillow I used as a child. He was so excited! I told him that he could use my tooth pillow when he lost his teeth. After showing him my tooth pillow, he looked at me very sadly and said "Mommy I don't want to hurt your feelings, but that is a girl tooth pillow. Do you have any boy ones?" I laughed inside but then told him that we'd go on a special date and pick out material to make him a boy tooth pillow. (Probably all the lace on it just didn't set well with him). We ended up going to Wal-mart and he picked out a sports and plain green material for his pillow. We even put a baseball print ribbon on it so he could hang it in his room when he wasn't using it. He helped me make it and was so excited when it was he just needs to get those teeth out so he can try it out!

The new tooth pillow...

My old pillow I used as a child...the one to "girly" for Elijah...

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