Friday, June 29, 2007

Let's go swimming...

Today I asked the kids what they wanted to do today and they said "let's go swimming in the big pool" so, we went to the neighborhood pool to swim. The kids love the water!

I don't think Adrie could even try to sink with all that gear on! She loves to float in the "baby" float still, but that's OK. She is still my baby girl.

Elijah is pretending to be a shark. Before long he won't need to wear that life jacket...he is getting so brave!

Ezra slept through the whole pool experience. One day he will be able to join us, but for now he'll just dream about it.

Here is America's next swim suit model...isn't she the cutest? I think so...but I am the biased mama :)


Brooklyn said...

You look like you all had so much fun. I like to swim too. And yes....she is TOO CUTE! I think we would be great buddies! Maybe we will meet soon!

Anonymous said...

have mercy take this picture offa here.sports illustrated swim suit issue...stay away.

Anonymous said...

adrielle,right now you are mine but someday if you must,you are going to marry a preacher who likes video games,victorian houses,fords,hot dogs,peanuts,cheese,weekends,hot days,weight lifting,applebees,fried fish,cold ones,and the new york yankees.any other application will be mailed somewhere to a trash can in potts