Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snowsuit hand-me-down....

Doesn't Adrie look so cute? If you look closely at the name on it, you'll see that this used to be my snowsuit. My Grandma Kay (Adrie's Great-Grandma) made this for me when I was a wee little girl. It is so neat to see Adrielle in an outfit that I used to wear. She actually looks a a lot like me in these pictures too. I have pictures of me wearing it and when you put the two pictures side by side, we look a like! This will be a snowsuit that we will always treasure and hopefully pass down to future generations :) Thanks Grandma Kay! We love you!

1 comment:

Brooklyn said...

I LOVE that she is wearing your snowsuit.....this is great! You are right, she looks so much like you - I would love to see you at that age!