Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fun play date gone terribly wrong.......

Yesterday we had a play date with Tracy Kemper and her kids. We decided to meet at Pine Hills Park in Mason at around 4:00 in the afternoon. We brought our suits to play in the fountains...

Then we dried off and went to the play ground to play. I was up on the little play set with Ezra and Adrielle when all of a sudden I saw Elijah running towards me yelling "Mommy, I DON'T WANT A BROKEN ARM!" over and over. His arm was flopping from side to side where it shouldn't be. No broken skin...but it looked like jelly. I hurried and grabbed him and sat down with him and splinted it with my hands. I yelled for Tracy to come over and to please call 911. Thank God Tracy was there and was able to help. I was so queasy inside but some how God got me through it and helped me to stay some what calm through it all. Poor little Elijah was in shock and looked so pale. He never did cry once..just whimpered a few times. The ambulance finally arrived and the paramedics took over. Tracy said she was right there when it happened and Elijah ran and got to me first. I guess he was climbing on the little rock wall and when he got to the top he decided to climb over it to get on the play equipment. He went head first but his arm got caught between the bars on the floor of it. His body went one way and his arm the other. So it pretty much snapped his forearm in two. It was so awful. The ambulance took us to Children's hospital down town. The paramedics even gave Elijah a stuffed E.T. which really cheered him up. He was such a trooper through it all. We were at Children's Hospital till about 2:00 am. He broke both bones in his forearm. It was a definite compound fracture in two places. He was given anesthesia and put to sleep to reset it. He is in a splint now to allow for swelling, and we go back next Wednesday for another X-ray to see how it is doing...and hopefully a real cast. We are hoping they will not have to reset it again or put any pins in. Please pray for the little guy! Hope you get better soon buddy, we love you! You are SO brave!
Elijah in the ambulance

Elijah after he woke up from the anesthesia

His arm is all reset...hopefully!
Thank you so much Tracy and Scott for watching the kids for us and helping out! Also thank you Nanny and Poppy for staying most the night with Adrie and Ezra for us! We can't tell you all how much we appreciated everything!


Brooklyn said...

OUCH! You are one tough kiddo! We are SO proud of you!

Jessica said...

OH.MY.GOD! I cannot even believe he came running to you and was not crying!! I am so glad to hear he is ok... how scary!!

Olivia said...

Oh, that sounds TERRIBLE! I hope that he heals up soon and doesn't have too much pain with it all. I just couldn't even imagine...